Aftercare & Tips

Laser tattoo removal is a safe procedure with amazing results, but only you can ensure the best results by looking after your skin.


Prevent scaring

The laser treatment may cause blistering: this is common. As when getting a tattoo, it is best to keep the area clean and dry while any healing occurs. Applying an antibiotic cream or gel 3 times a day will help prevent any potential infections which could cause scaring. If a blister has formed it is natural for it to pop and scab over: it is important to resist picking any scabbing, allowing your skin to fully heal.


Pain management

Paracetamol and numbing creams can be used to reduce pain, as can cool compresses. Asprin and other blood thinning pain medications should be avoided as they increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.



Be sure to keep the area clean while it is healing. Gentle use of soap and water, patting the area dry is recommended. Showering is preferred while any blistering or scabbing is healing. Try using low pressure water and avoid soaking in baths, pools and hot tubs. 


Itching and Skin care

Itching is very common after laser tattoo removal. Staying clear of sun exposure and hot environments is recommended after treatments. Wearing sun block with an SPF of 25 of higher on the treated area for 3 months is required to prevent the sensitive, recovering skin from excessive burning.